Oklahoma Association of Municipal Attorneys
Municipal Law Recognition Program

The Oklahoma Association of Municipal Attorneys (“OAMA”) was established to provide resources, educational opportunities, and a network of experienced practitioners to assist local government attorneys in the highly specialized field of municipal law. In support of this mission, the OAMA Board of Directors has implemented the following standards and requirements:

The Board is the final arbiter with regard to the interpretation and/or application of any of the standards and requirements of the OAMA Municipal Law Recognition Program (the “Program”). The Board also reserves the right to add, delete, and/or modify any of the requirements at any time.


SECTION I - General Requirements

  • All applicants for recognition must be active members in good standing with the Oklahoma Bar Association. All applicants must meet the requirements for recognition of program completion as prescribed by the Board and their respective City, Town, or organization must be an active member of OAMA.

  • Recognition of completion must be valid for a period of five (5) years, at the end of which time further recognition shall be permitted as provided in Section IV.

SECTION II - Municipal Law Practice

  • Required Period of Law Practice:  An applicant must show that during each of the two (2) years immediately preceding application, he or she has been actively engaged in the practice of law in the State of Oklahoma. An applicant must further show that he or she is engaged, at least part-time, in the practice of municipal law. Practice of municipal law is defined as:

  1. Service as a City or Town Attorney;

  2. Service as an Assistant City Attorney; or

  3. Service as a Municipal Court Prosecutor; or

  4. Exemplifying a bona fide interest in the educational, technical, or consultative activities specific to Municipal Law Practice.

  • Sponsorship:  In order to apply for recognition, the following sponsorship must be made:

  1. A City or Town Attorney shall be sponsored by another Oklahoma City or Town Attorney and their municipality must be a current OAMA member.

  2. An Assistant City Attorney or a Municipal Court Prosecutor shall be sponsored by his or her City or Town Attorney, and their municipality must be a current OAMA member.

  3. A current OAMA Board member or Past President may designate a lawyer as one exemplifying a bona fide interest in the educational, technical, or consultative activities specific to Municipal Law Practice.

SECTION III - Educational Requirements

A. Municipal Law Fundamental Training: Any applicant engaged in the practice of municipal law for a period of less than five (5) years shall complete no less than six (6) hours sponsored by the Oklahoma Municipal League (“OML”). Successful completion of the New Officials Institute is sufficient to meet this requirement. Any applicant engaged in the practice of municipal law for a period of less than five (5) years shall additionally complete online training approved by the Board and consisting of the following:

  • Forms of Municipal Governments (click here →)

  • Hierarchy of governmental autonomy and municipal governmental powers (click here →)

  • Municipal Finance (click here →)

    • Part I Municipal Budgeting Basics

    • Part II - Budget Policies

    • Part III – Budget Preparation Calendar

    • Part IV – Fund Accounting / Municipal Budget Act / Estimate of Needs

    • Part V - Appropriation / Budget Amendments / Balancing the Budget

  • Public Trusts (click here →)

  • Open Records Act (click here →)

  • Open Meeting Act (click here →)

    • Part I Agendas, Notices, & Types of meetings

    • Part II Postings, Websites, Special Meetings, Emergency Meetings, New Business

    • Part III Emergency Meeting process; Reconvened Meetings; Executive Sessions

    • Part IV Informal Gatherings; Violations; Remedies upon violation

  • Oklahoma Competitive Bidding Act and municipal purchases (click here →)

  • Governmental Tort Claims Act (click here →)

    • Sovereign Immunity and Legislative Exceptions

    • Exemptions to Liability

  • Labor and employment law (click here →)

  • Zoning and land use regulation (click here →)

    • General Zoning Laws

    • Special Use Permits

  • Ethics for Municipal public officials and legal counsel  (click here →)

B. OAMA Training and Education:  Prior to receiving recognition of program completion, an applicant must complete no fewer than six (6) hours of continuing legal education sponsored by OAMA. Training opportunities include the OAMA Spring Conference, the OAMA Fall Conference, and any OAMA Pre-Conference.

C. Additional Municipal Law Training and Education:  Prior to receiving the recognition of program completion, an applicant must complete no less than twelve (12) hours of continuing legal education in municipal law. Training opportunities include all courses sponsored by OAMA or the International Municipal Lawyers Association (“IMLA”). Courses sponsored by organizations other than OAMA and IMLA shall be approved in advance by the OAMA Board President.

D. Educational Completion Requirements:  The Educational Requirements set forth in Subsections A, B, and C of this Section (the “Initial Educational Requirements”) shall be completed within two (2) years. After completion of the Initial Educational Requirements and following successful completion of the Program, participants shall complete no less than six (6) hours per year of continuing legal education in municipal law.

E. Mentors: Prior to receiving the recognition of completion, any applicant engaged in the practice of municipal law for a period of less than five (5) years shall identify a Mentor from a list approved and maintained by the Board. Each Mentor will be an experienced Municipal Law Practitioner. Applicants must communicate with their Mentor a minimum of once per month for a period of one (1) year to discuss the practical application of municipal law-related issues.


Applicants will retain the Program Recognition during the five (5) year period so long as they remain members in good standing of the Oklahoma Bar Association, their municipality remains a member of OAMA, and they have successfully completed the annual educational requirements.  All applicants for renewal shall meet the requirements for continued Recognition as prescribed by the Board.


All applicants shall submit a fee of $100.00 made payable to OAMA at the time of application. No Recognition will be issued until the application fee has been paid.


 The OAMA Recognition Program is an acknowledgment by the OAMA Board of substantial involvement in the practice of municipal law. Recognition of Program Completion by OAMA shall not be construed nor represented to be Board recognition of special competence to practice municipal law, nor is the recognition of an individual by the Board to be construed as a representation by the Board that the individual has any special expertise in the field of municipal law or any other field of law. No person recognized as completing the program may represent that they are certified as a specialist in municipal law as proscribed by Rule 7.4 of the Oklahoma Rules of Professional, 5 Okla. Stat. Chpt 1, App. 3-A.