If you have not yet joined OAMA, the benefits are many. OAMA exists to help municipal attorneys in the highly specialized field of municipal law. The member cities and towns through their attorneys operate the organization.
Collectively, we can provide each other with a wealth of experience and expertise. The OAMA is a non-profit corporation dedicated to sharing that expertise for the benefit of municipal officials. To assist you in this, we prepare a Directory of Municipal Attorneys as a membership service.
OAMA functions include:
You can compare ideas and materials with other municipal attorneys. Also, the Board of Directors is structured to give a voice to municipalities of all sizes. OAMA has contracted with OML for administrative services and headquarters. Our sole source of funding is the membership fees. OAMA’s services are limited necessarily to members only. When municipal attorneys pool our expertise, we enhance the overall practice of local government law.
OAMA sponsors at least two (2) educational opportunities a year; one in the spring and one at OML’s annual fall conference. Our programs have presumptive OBA mandatory CLE credit. These seminars are valuable not merely for the lectures and papers but especially for the discussions among all participants about how they face similar issues. A special membership rate provides an additional advantage to attorneys representing OAMA cities and towns.
Every quarter, OAMA publishes The Municipal Counselor. It contains articles on timely topics, case digests and comments, and news. It is supplemented from time to time with legislative updates and Attorney General Opinions bearing on Oklahoma municipal operations.
Municipal Law Library
The library collected by Dr. Maurice Merrill has been relocated and maintained at the Oklahoma Municipal League building. It is available for use by OAMA members.
Litigation Resource Bank
We are compiling a brief bank; sample pleadings, jury instructions and discovery materials; expert witness depositions and information; and municipal attorney opinions.
2018-2019 OAMA Membership Form (click to download)
OAMA Directory (password protected and only available to members)